try your hand at one of England's oldest skills

Follow in the footsteps of those who have graced Alnwick Castle over centuries past. Our trained instructors will teach you everything from stance to aim as you knock, draw and loose your arrows to hit the bullseye!
The activity runs from 10:30am to 4pm daily, weather permitting, and is open to visitors aged 11 years and over. Please check our ‘What’s on’ board on arrival for timings on the day.


Have-a-go archery session prices are as follows:
8 arrows for £5.00

For safety reasons, participation in our archery lessons is restricted to visitors aged 11 years and over. 

What to expect during your archery session

During your session, one of our fully qualified instructors will guide you in the best techniques to try and help you hit that bullseye!

Safety first

For safety reasons lessons can only take place if the ground underfoot is dry and the weather conditions are safe.  Therefore, have-a-go archery may be closed if it is raining, if rain is expected, or during heavy winds. 
For your own safety, we advise any visitor with any upper body joint or muscle pain or injury not to take part in this activity.
For the safety of our visitors and staff, only those participating in archery and those within their group will be permitted into the area where archery takes place.